Pastoral Care is visiting, counseling or otherwise helping people in our community who are experiencing a difficult time with a focus on healing, reconciling, guiding and sustaining.
Since November of 2001, volunteers have been providing a meal and fellowship to homeless women and now men in respite care served by the shelters in Uptown Pittsburgh on the 2nd Saturday of every month for up to 30 women at 905 Watson St.
Please bring your donation to the Saint Alphonsus upper parking lot on the designated Saturday at 4pm. It is possible to make alternate drop-off arrangements for items that are not perishable or that do not need to arrive at the shelter hot. Any volunteer is required to have their clearances on file with the Parish, as they are for any volunteer activities in which we are representing Saint Aidan Parish.
We also support Scouting and other group projects such as providing homemade cards and gifts, table and seasonal decorations, or collecting toiletries or other items.
To sign up to help, click here.
Contact Jen Bailey or Barb Griffith with any questions at [email protected].
Thank you for your time and generosity!
Ministry to the Sick focuses on reaching those people who are unable to attend Mass or who are unable to be involved in community life at Saint Aidan. Volunteers are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who visit shutins, elderly or those who are ill, to bring Jesus into their homes by taking them Holy Communion. They also reach out through cards and phone calls to help these people feel more connected to the parish and less isolated. The time commitment can be minimal (1-2 hours per month), or as much as you can help.
For more information, please contact Barb Griffith at [email protected].
The St. Aidan ministry called Jesus In Disguise gives you the opportunity to serve the poor through the collection of used clothing. All items are delivered to Saint Faustina’s Gate located at Saint Mary of Mercy church in downtown Pittsburgh as part of the Red Door program. Please consider donating your used but serviceable clothing items.
Needed items vary throughout the year. In the spring and summer months pants for women and men (jeans, casual slacks and shorts); t-shirts; socks; tennis shoes and underwear are particularly helpful. Fall and winter brings the addition of gloves; hoodies; sweatshirts and jackets; warm socks and boots. We ask that items be clean and in good condition without rips and tears. There is a Jesus In Disguise collection box in the narthex of St. Alexis Church with a sign listing currently needed materials.
For more information, please contact Joe or Claudia at [email protected].