Learning Jesus, Loving Jesus, Sharing Jesus! Learning more about the love of Jesus and the joy of following him is the fruit of religious instruction. Registration for the fall sessions are underway. Parents may
register their children in grades K – 8 online at saintalexis.or g or saintalphonsuswexford.org or pick-up a registration form either the Parish Offices or the back of either church. In light of new options for religious instruction, early registration is recommended.
Sessions begin on Wednesday, September 11 with
opening Mass at 5:30 p.m. Parents, you are the first teachers of your children in the ways of the faith. Remember that your relationship with God is the most important reality in your life, and the only legacy for your children that really matters. It’s up to you to prepare your children for their future on this
earth and more importantly, eternity in heaven. And we
are always here to assist you.
Be Evangelizers! During these days of summer, BE an evangelizer! Now is the time to begin inviting others to “come and see” what the Catholic faith is all about. RCIA (the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults) program is beginning to form this year’s “class.” Your welcoming attitude, friendliness, good example as you practice the faith, and most especially your personal invitation all lead others who are wondering WHO is Jesus and WHAT the Catholic Church believes and teaches to be one with us as members of our faith community.
If you or anyone you know is interested in learning
more about Jesus and the teachings of the faith, come and
see or invite others to participate in the RCIA process.
For more information, call the Parish Center and ask for
Dave VanVickle, Director of Evangelization at the
Catholic Community of Wexford. There may be people
you know who truly want to know more about Jesus
and his Church that are depending on YOU to
welcome them and show them the way. So, with Jesus,
don’t be afraid to Evangelize! Learn Jesus. Love Jesus.
Live Jesus! Amen!
Votive Candles The requested offering for the seven day votive candles will soon increase at Saint Alexis. We have been asking for a $2 offering per candle for almost twenty years. With the
increases in the cost for petroleum products that are required to make candles and the increases in shipping charges, it has become necessary to ask for $3 (a $1 increase). We are just about at the point where it costs the parish to supply these candles.
I trust that you can appreciate the need for this increase.
Thank you for your understanding. We are glad to
provide votive candles for your prayerful devotion.
Bring ‘em Home Thanks to everyone who helped to promote Saint Alexis Festival by displaying lawn signs. Now is the time to bring them home! Don’t place them in your garage, shed or
basement; put them in the trunk of your car or the back of your vehicle and be sure to drop them off either in the back of Saint Alexis or Saint Alphonsus Churches. We update and
reuse them next year. This is part of our save the planet
(and save some money) program. It all helps.
If you spot any of these lawn signs out there along the
road, please, do us a favor and remove them and return
them. Bring them home! Thank you for helping us to
prepare now for next year’s festival.
A Prayer for Vocations
Lord, Jesus Christ,
Eternal High Priest and source of all grace,
multiply vocations among us.
The harvest is great and labors are few.
Bless our diocese
with many and holy priests,
grant us fervent religious and a generous
spirit in our families so that we may honor
your Church and spread your kingdom
to the ends of the earth.
To the glory of God
and the salvation of souls.