Altar Servers and Sacristans Altar Server time commitment = 1.5 hours per week* Sacristan time commitment = 3 to 6 hours per week Contact Father DJ at 724-935-4343 ext. 223 or Alison Alberts at[email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors Time commitment = 1.5 hours per week* Contact Donna Bartlett at[email protected]
*If we get enough volunteers, you would only have to serve one Mass per month.
Cantors and Choir Members Choir Member time commitment = 3 hours per week (1.5 hours for rehearsal and 1.5 hours for Mass on Sunday). It’s ok if you cannot make every week. Cantor Time commitment = 1.5 hours per week (30 minutes before Mass and 1 hour during Mass) Only on weeks that you are scheduled to sing. Contact Chance Jozsa
Bethlehem Haven Women's Shelter We need drivers, servers, and food preparers. Time commitment = once or twice a year Contact Barb Griffith or Jen Bailey at [email protected]
Homebound Ministry Would you like to visit our homebound parishioners and take them Holy Communion? Time commitment = two to three times a month Contact Barb Griffith at[email protected]
Nursing Home Ministry Can you assist with Nursing Home Masses? Time commitment = as needed basis Contact Barb Griffith at[email protected]
Safe Environment Clearances ALL volunteers age 18 or older must obtain clearances required by the Diocese of Pittsburgh.