Greeters and Ushers address a variety of needs at all Masses, including greeting and seating attendees, selecting gift bearers, facilitating the collections and distributing bulletins. The time commitment can be flexible. While many Ministers consistently attend a specific Mass, others prefer flexibility depending upon their weekly availability. For more information, please contact Marty Heim (Saint Alexis), Walt Opiela (Saint Alphonsus Ushers), or Carolyn Augustine (Saint Alphonsus Greeters) at hospitality@saintaidanparish.
The Welcoming New Parishioners Committee welcomes newly registered parishioners via e-mail, and serves as a resource for new parishioners who need help with a variety of needs. A Welcome Packet is available upon request. It also hosts a “Get Acquainted Mass and Luncheon” periodically to welcome new parishioners and their families to Saint Aidan. An invitation is mailed from the Parish Center prior to the event. The time commitment is 1-2 hours at the luncheon, 2-3 times a year. For more information, please contact Concetta Slanders at [email protected].
Occasionally, during the year, at the request of the Pastor, there is a need to plan a special event. Examples may be a Reception for Confirmation Candidates and their families, or perhaps an event/meeting hosting priests from other parts of the Diocese. This committee would be responsible for helping plan and staff these events at the Pastor’s request. For more information, please contact Ruth Chiappa at [email protected].