Email all bulletin submissions to our bulletin editor, Danielle Vernillo, at [email protected].
Email subject line should start with BULLETIN and Publication Date.
Keep submissions as concise as possible, word count should be 75 words or less.
Remember to include DATE, TIME, LOCATION & CONTACT information as relevant.
Format all text using 11pt Arial and submit in a Microsoft Word Document.
When submitting graphics, please submit a png or jpeg file in the following sizes:
Full Page: 7.5” x 10”
Half Page: 7.5” x 4.75”
Quarter Page: 3.625” x 4.75”
(It is helpful to submit a couple different size options.)
All submissions are subject to review. A submission does not guarantee publication.
As a general rule, all bulletin submissions need to be submitted 11 days prior to the bulletin publication date.
Bulletin SICK LIST
Since our Parish was established in 2020, we have accumulated so many names on our sick list. While we will continue to pray for the sick of our Parish as a whole, we will be amending the procedures for listing the names in the bulletin.
Staring October 1, 2024, if you wish to add a loved one to the prayer list, you may email or call the Parish office. The name will remain on the list for 4 weeks. At that point, if you would like to add their name again, you are welcome to request their name be published for another month. Thank you for your understanding.