Every institution has its own vocabulary and the Church is no different in this regard. One word that has really been at the fore in recent times is “mission.” The fruits of our new parish were made possible as a result of a diocesan initiative entitled “On Mission for the Church Alive.”
One of the first orders of business for any parish is to create a Mission Statement.
This is something that will happen once the Parish Pastoral Council is formed. The Finance Council works on the “means” while the Pastoral Council focuses on the “mission.”
At the conclusion of each Mass, the deacon or priest sends us out to embrace the mission of Jesus. Whether we are told “Go forth the Mass is ended,” “Go in peace,” or “Go and announce the gospel of the Lord,” we are always sent forth. We do not exist for ourselves.
In his Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel” Pope Francis invites all of the faithful to be “missionary disciples. ” The Holy Father writes, “Each Christian and every community must discern the path that the Lord points out, but all of us are asked to obey his call to go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the ‘peripheries’ in need of the light of the Gospel. ” (No. 20).
Pope Francis notes that this effort is to be done in joy. “The joy is a sign that the Gospel has been proclaimed and is bearing fruit. ” (No. 21).
Obviously, the idea of going forth in a spirit of joy has been challenged by the pandemic. Nevertheless, we do not choose the course before us. Like those before us, we need to face what is put before us. What appears as an obstacle can become an opportunity. What may seem like a stumbling block can be a stepping stone.
The call to be missionary disciples according to Pope Francis is rooted in a “personal encounter with Jesus Christ. ”While the pandemic may present challenges with our missionary outreach, the isolation and solitude can allow for a deeper personal encounter with Jesus.
This is a moment to renew our personal relationship with Jesus and to reclaim the joy of the Gospel.
Pope Francis states, “There are Christians whose lives seem like Lent without Easter. ” (No 6). We cannot forget especially in the Lents of our lives the words of Saint Augustine, “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song. ”
In other words, we cannot forget that after every experience of suffering and death comes the glory of the resurrection. Pope Francis develops this thought further when he says, “Consequently, an evangelizer must never look like someone who has just come back from a funeral!” (No. 10).
The current situation in the world and our country may appear to some to be hopeless.
As Christians, however, we can never lose our hope in Jesus. If we lack hope, then perhaps we need to spend more time with Jesus in prayer who is the source of all hope. Pope Francis quotes the immortal words of his predecessor, Pope Benedict, “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. ” (No. 7) That new direction might best be called hope.
This Sunday, October 18, is World Mission Sunday. This is a day in which the Church invites us to reflect upon the Missions. The diocese is using this day to catch up with the Missionary Co-op collection. Normally, (remember when things were normal) someone would come and speak at all of the Masses about their Mission and the second collection would be for those Missions. Because of COVID-19, this is not able to happen.
Nevertheless, we will hear about the Missions. Our donation is but another way for us to be missionary disciples. Thanks for your generosity!
As was announced last week it is our hope to have one indoor Mass each Sunday at both of our churches. This can only happen, however, when we have a crew of helpers assembled to ensure that the places will be cleaned following Holy Mass and all protocols will be followed.
Once this is all in place, we hope to have a 7:00 a. m. Mass at Saint Alphonsus with a capacity of 80 people and 5:00 p. m. Mass at Saint Alexis with a capacity of 90 people. Attendees will have to sign up online to attend. If you wish to be part of the helping crew, please contact our Director of Parish Operations, Chuck Goetz, at [email protected].
Please do not forget to complete your census form.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!