Change in Mass location for two masses – On Sunday, January 17, 2021, we will have two indoor masses, one at each of our churches. 7:00 a.m. mass at Saint Alphonsus Church & 8:00 a.m. at Saint Alexis Church. Please note that these indoor mass will be available on FM 89.5 for you to listen from your vehicle. Communion will be brought to you at request. Overflow seating will not be available for these mass times.
Vigil Mass for Life – so that our parish may participate in the defense of all human life, we will have a special Vigil Mass of Life on Thursday, January 28, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at Saint Alexis Church. We will join millions of Catholics, Christians, and people of goodwill, who will pray that day to protect all human life and dignity.
Please note the correction of location from last week’s bulletin for the Vigil Mass For Life will be at Saint Alexis Church.
We will have a Praise & Worship hour leading up to the Vigil Mass for Life. Starting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 28, 2021. Saint Alexis Church.
Although, Christmas Season is ended the Nativity scene inside each of the churches will remain until February 2nd, Feast of Presentation of the Lord. This is so that as our churches open for mass you will be able to enjoy the Nativity scene.
Feast Day of Saint Aidan – Sunday, January 31, 2021, marks our new parish's first feast day under Saint Aidan of Ferns' patronage. All of our masses will be honoring Saint Aidan. We will also have a Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration and Solemn Evening Prayer at 4:00 p.m. at Saint Alphonsus Church. I invite you to come to celebrate with us the First Feast Day of our parish. Saint Aidan, pray for us.