An Opportunity for Service and Grace As the Wexford Catholic Community, we are in need of Altar Servers at both Saint Alphonsus and Saint Alexis Parishes. Boys and Girls in fourth grade or over are welcomed to participate in this important ministry of the Church. Parent’s permission is necessary because it is you as parents who are responsible for taking your children to Mass. What a tremendous opportunity for prayer, service and deepening one’s relationship with Jesus!
Interested candidates are asked to call the parish offices and ask for Gail Clendaniel, our receptionist/secretary at 724.935.4343 extension 210. A list will be compiled, times will be offered for training sessions at both churches and newly trained servers will be paired with those servers who have experience. These instruction sessions are held annually in the fall when school is back in session and routines in family life more established.
Parents please take time and discuss our role as stewards of God’s gifts of time, talent and treasure with your children. Your encouragement is a necessary ingredient in raising your children in the ways of the faith and demonstrating service to God through His people. Thank you for your personal response to Jesus as an active disciple in the community!
Capital Improvements The following is a list of improvement projects that are under review for Saint Alphonsus church building.
They include:
· Installation of a pair of restrooms in the church
· Correcting elevations in rear of the church which are currently a source of accidents for our guests and liability to the parish
· Adjustments to the sanctuary floor to allow for the relocation of a few pews in order to maintain seating capacity on the old side of the church.
Once a design for these projects has been proposed and discussed with the membership of Finance, Executive and Pastoral Councils, a presentation with renderings will be shared with the parish at large. This is expected to take place this fall. Some of these improvements are a part of the original case study set forth by Father Murphy and later postponed under the leadership of Father Kevin with the recognition of more critical projects needing attention on the campus at Saint Alphonsus. Now we are ready to look back, reassess, and move forward.
Information will be presented as it is made available.
Again, thank you to everyone who participated in “The On Mission for the Church Alive Campaign” at Saint Alphonsus. Your generosity and commitment will provide the resources needed to complete these projects and then some. God’s blessings to all!
Respect Life Sunday The Respect Life Program sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops started in 1972 and is repeated each October – the month set aside by the U.S. bishops as “Respect Life Month.” This program calls attention to the numerous human life issues and the way in which each touches on the sanctity and dignity of human life.
We want to be a part of a society which has the affirmation and protection of human rights as its primary objective and boast, right? Yet, far too often, many of those who are weak and vulnerable are pushed to the periphery by society and seen as less significant than the strong and the healthy. From God’s perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. All are masterpieces in His eyes.
The Lord is inviting us to respond. We are called to act – not with anxiety or doubt – but with confident trust in and dependence on God! We are called to care for ourselves and others. In a 2005 study, 73% of women who had an abortion said not being able to afford a baby was a reason for the abortion. How might we support mothers facing unexpected pregnancies? Many women and men alike suffer after the loss of a child to abortion. By seeking healing with others, we can respond with hope in God’s mercy. If you, or someone you know has been affected by an abortion, remember that God’s greatest desire is to forgive. Encourage them to contact Project Rachel Ministry for help, or visit
One matter that we should all take the time to address is the necessity to be prepared for those difficult situations when medical decisions must be made by or for us. Are you aware of the variances in advance medical directives documents and the problematic issues that arise from some of them? Just because a reputable medical institution provides such directives does mean that they are in accord with Catholic teaching. Do you know what options are in keeping with Catholic tradition, respecting the dignity and sanctity of every human life? Copies of “Advance Medical Directives: Planning for Your Future” will soon be available in the back of the church and at the Parish Center. Take a copy home and review it. Discuss it with family members who will likely survive you and plan ahead in accord with the Lord’s teaching.
The need to respect the dignity of human life cannot be relegated to a day or even a month. It is the life-long responsibility of all who have been baptized in Christ and seekers of the Truth alike. Begin with prayer that you might be of one mind and heart with Christ. Learn. We cannot ignore the issues that are plaguing society today; seek understanding of what the Church is teaching. And finally, we must act in ways that support, promote and defend the teachings of the Gospel. Though the world we live in has grown rather complicated, the Truth remains very simple: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!