In April of this year, the results of the Mass Survey, to which all parishioners were invited to respond, were delivered to Father Zywan, and shared with the Executive Council. The questions asked were surveying satisfaction with the Sunday Mass schedule in our grouping (The Wexford Catholic Community). There was ample opportunity for the parishioners to comment.
There were 628 surveys that went beyond the basic questions to answer some or all of the areas for further comment. The responses were very evenly divided between Saint Alphonsus’ families and Saint Alexis’ families. Because of the free-response structure to the survey, it took some time to analyze those responses in a meaningful way, in order to gather useful data as to what is most on the minds of our parishioners. What follows is a summary of that survey, with the three most salient points made in the comments, and decisions or tentative decisions regarding those points. Remember that there are rules within the Diocese that govern the Sunday Mass schedule in each parish – namely, that each priest should offer no more than three weekend Masses
General satisfaction:
54% of all responders indicated that they are either Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the Sunday Mass Schedule presently.
74% of all responders indicated that they are either Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the availability of parking.
85% of all responders indicated that they are either Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the hospitality extended at Mass.
72% of all responders indicated that Mass time is most important in choosing which Mass to attend, while 12% indicated that the particular Church building was most important.
Additional open-ended comments about Mass Schedule:
50% of all responders offered no comments or suggestions concerning the Sunday Mass schedule at the Wexford Catholic Community, and another 3% offered comments expressing satisfaction.
Of those who did comment, 20% (which is 10% of the total) indicated a desire for a Saturday Vigil Mass at Saint Alphonsus on Saturday evenings.
Of those who did comment, 14% (which is 7% of the total) indicated a desire for an earlier Mass at Saint Alexis on Sunday morning.
Of those who did comment, 4% and 7% of the Saint Alphonsus parishioner’s comments, indicated a desire to move the Saturday Vigil Mass to 5:00 at Sant Alexis instead of 4:00.
Additional open-ended comments about concerns/suggestions outside of Mass Schedule:
3% of all responders who did comment had a concern about the tendency not to move down into the pew at Saint Alexis, making it necessary to climb over those on the ends. This comment was made by those from both parishes, but more predominantly by Saint Alexis responders.
2% of all responders who did comment asked for publication of the schedule of Celebrants for the weekend Masses.
After considering the data collected, Father Zywan along with the Executive Council have had discussion about these items and determined that the following responses are reasonable and in the best interest of parishioners:
There is an ongoing effort to encourage those in the pews at Saint Alexis to move toward the middle of the pews, allowing room for others to fill the space on the ends.
As Catholics, the Eucharist is source and summit of our liturgical celebration. Knowing this, it is not necessary nor desirable to publish the Mass Celebrant. Both of our priests celebrate Mass at each worship site on a rotating basis.
While trial Mass schedules are to be in effect for some time yet before any adjustments are made, Father Zywan will approach the Diocesan offices to see if we might consider moving the Saturday Mass time to 5:00 p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m. in the near future.
We value the time that parishioners took to reflect on the Mass Schedule and related concerns. As Executive and Pastoral Council, we continue to develop priorities as together we transition to become one Catholic Community of Wexford.
Thanks for your input and continued prayers and support.
-The Members of Executive Pastoral Council
Sue Eppley
Dick Heilman
Tim Johnson
Mark Joseph
Leslie Mitros