Faces of Renewal! From July 12-14, a number of teens from our parishes attended the Steubenville Youth Conference hosted on the campus of the Franciscan University of Steubenville. From all accounts, this gathering of 2200 young people from across the United States and Canada was fantastic! In the company of their peers, activities included talks, concerts, praise and worship, small group discussion, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the celebration of the Eucharist. I know that hearts and lives were transformed!
I am grateful to David Piccirilli, Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Catholic Community of Wexford, for facilitating this pilgrimage. What a great opportunity for spiritual renewal! This year’s theme was “Belong” – how we belong to Father as His sons and daughters. This is where each of us as Christians find our true identity.
I am grateful to our parishioners collectively in recognizing and supporting the significant role that youth ministry plays in the life of our young people, as leaders in the Church present and future. God is working in our midst! Let each of us continue to say yes to the Lord’s invitation by supporting all of the ministries of the Church, beginning with our personal response to the call of holiness!
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel In light of the face of sin within the Church, the chaos that see and hear about daily in the world, and the heartache and at times, division within our families, Bishop Zubik has recently asked the faithful to pray the time honored prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, invoking his protection against Satan and all his works. It is the evil one who brings division, while Jesus came to bring reconciliation and forgiveness between us, and our Heavenly Father, and one another.
Therefore, as suggested by Mass attendees at Saint Alphonsus, we will begin praying the Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer after the final blessing at weekday Masses. (This practice has already been introduced at weekday Masses at Saint Alexis). With the prayer for On Mission for the Church Alive! (and the Prayer for Our Parish at Saint Alexis) already being prayed before or during Sunday Masses) and the usual recessional hymn, it has been determined that we will not pray this prayer collectively after the Sunday Masses. However, anyone may pray the Saint Michael Prayer privately after Mass if you choose to do so.
If you do not know this simple invocation, prayer cards with an image of Saint Michael may be found in the back of church. Take one home; learn it by heart. Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us!
Prayer to Saint Michael The Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our safeguard against
the wickedness and snares
of the Devil.
May God rebuke him
We Humbly pray.
And do thou, o Prince of
the Heavenly Hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.
Ugh! Friends, of all the wonderful qualities of the new church at Saint Alexis, I realize that the sound system is far from being one of them. Along with you, at times it drives me crazy! I want you to know that not only am I aware of these issues, but that steps have and are being taken to make it right. Once or in some cases twice a week, technicians are called in to service it. This is certainly something that was not intended by design to be this way; in fact, it was the best system recommended to us.
Though my words are not correcting the problem(s), know that the problems are being addressed. Acoustics are a complicated science to say the least. However, I will not be satisfied until we get it right! Thank you for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks for your prayers regarding this matter. Heaven help us!