ON MISSION UPDATE: THE JOURNEY CONTINUES. Meetings with the clergy team, staff, lay leadership, and diocesan representatives continue to convene in preparation for the merger of Saint Alphonsus and Saint Alexis parishes this coming July. There are many components and layers of information that are necessary to meet the requirements outlined by Bishop Zubik and diocesan services. It will make this transition as seamless and smooth as possible.
Thank you to everyone who recently participated in offering suggestions for the naming of our new parish. We heard from 858 members of the community on our voting ballots. This information will be directed to Bishop Zubik’s attention for further review. Once he has prayerfully discerned the name of the new parish, it will be announced to the Catholic Community of Wexford at some point this May. Further information will be presented at the parish assemblies scheduled for early March at both church campuses.
The next step will be convening a meeting with the Pastoral Council, the two Finance Councils, and the parish staff. At that time, a review of the process that has already taken place, the information gathered, and the ongoing timeline for the actual merger of the two parishes will be presented. Following that meeting, we will gather for the two assemblies are scheduled to share with you where we stand, what our dreams for the future may be, and the roles of our community moving forward. Merger is a tough word and reality for some, but this is truly a time for all of us to look forward in being the best Church we can be, the Lord’s Church for the sake of the kingdom.
Please be sure to mark these important dates on your calendar:
Sunday, March 1 at Saint Alexis, in Father Rodgers Hall (the old church building)
Monday, March 2 at Saint Alphonsus,
(cafeteria in the school building)
Both meetings will convene at 6:30 p.m. and are anticipated to last approximately one hour.
Please continue to pray that we might serve as a model for other parishes growing in this same process. May others know us by our love for one another. We are all being called to trust the Lord and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in all that we do. Jesus is always and forever the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is where our focus needs to be. Trust in His grace and guidance. We are all called to make a difference – a positive difference. The Lord and His Church are counting on our response.