The Source of Our Peace It’s Christmas! For many, being here is a routine part of your spiritual life. Others may be here by making a choice to worship the Lord as we celebrate his nativity. For some, you are with us by what many would call happenstance.
We choose to recognize it as God’s providence. For whatever path you are on, we are glad that you are here and that together we worship the Lord as we celebrate His coming into the world - the Incarnation.
This year has been filled with all sorts of transitions and changes. Yes, change can be difficult; but keep in mind that none of us has experienced more change than God who became man and has taken on our human condition. Change need not be a negative thing but rather an exciting experience! Take for example the changes taking place within Saint Alphonsus and Saint Alexis Parishes. In this time of transition, while remaining two separate parishes, we identify as one Catholic community - The Catholic Community of Wexford. By the end of July 2020, we will be one parish - a new parish - one family with two houses of prayer. I firmly believe that this will make us a stronger, more vibrant faith community. We can accomplish this for the sake of the Lord, so much more together! One of the proofs of this success thus far has been our ability to expand the parish staff to more effectively serve you. We are also charged with growing the numbers of those who are committed as disciples of Jesus in a variety of ministries and services. We pray that you will join us and engage the talents God has bestowed on you. Know that you are more than welcome to walk with us as active disciples.
The great thing about Jesus and his connectedness with us, is that it is all about relationship. Jesus was and remains connected with us in a very personal way when he walked this earth and as we continue to encounter him now. This Christmas, it is our hope and sincere prayer that you experience the presence of the living God and the difference this singular relationship truly makes in our lives.
Just a short thought this Christmas, it seems everyone in the world thinks they can offer us peace. Every other advertisement or post on social media aims to give us some tip or word of wisdom that will lead to peace in our life. One expert talks of mindfulness, another about mediation, one mentions taking control of your morning in order to take control of your life. Another suggests a minimalist approach, some people use “to do” lists and others use vision planning, all of these meant to quell stress and confusion and fulfillment.
For us, we need to remember that the only real source of peace was born to a poor virgin over two thousand years ago in Bethlehem. The Christ child comes and the message is very simple. He is the sole source of true and lasting peace. He is the only worthy one to offer man his deepest desire. His tiny, vulnerable newborn body is the communication of everlasting peace to mankind. Our response can only be to bow down and worship Him.
From each of us to you and yours, we wish you a most blessed Christmas, far beyond anything that can be found under a tree or purchased online or in a store. We pray you experience God’s peace in a most personal way. Savor if you will, the true meaning of Christmas and allow your life to be transformed, and your faith in the living God deepened.
May you know the closeness of the Prince of Peace who makes all the difference in our hearts, our homes, and throughout the world at Christmas and throughout the New Year. Merry Christmas!
Fr. Zywan Fr. Joe Dave VanVickle
Pastor/Administrator Parochial Vicar Director of Evangelization